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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - series


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 noun  (plural ~)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Latin, from serere to join, link together; akin to Greek eirein to string together, hormos chain, necklace, and perhaps to Latin sort-, sors lot  Date: 1611  1.  a. a number of things or events of the same class coming one after another in spatial or temporal succession a concert ~ the hall opened into a ~ of small rooms  b. a set of regularly presented television programs each of which is complete in itself  2. the indicated sum of a usually infinite sequence of numbers  3.  a. the coins or currency of a particular country and period  b. a group of postage stamps in different denominations  4. a succession of volumes or issues published with related subjects or authors, similar format and price, or continuous numbering  5. a division of rock formations that is smaller than a system and comprises rocks deposited during an epoch  6. a group of chemical compounds related in composition and structure  7. an arrangement of the parts of or elements in an electric circuit whereby the whole current passes through each part or element without branching — compare parallel  8. a set of vowels connected by ablaut (as i, a, u in ring, rang, rung)  9. a number of games (as of baseball) played usually on consecutive days between two teams in town for a 3-game ~  10. a group of successive coordinate sentence elements joined together  11. soil ~  12. three consecutive games in bowling
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См. в других словарях

  n. (pl. same) 1 a number of things of which each is similar to the preceding or in which each successive pair are similarly related; a sequence, succession, order, row, or set. 2 a set of successive games between the same teams. 3 a set of programmes with the same actors etc. or on related subjects but each complete in itself. 4 a set of lectures by the same speaker or on the same subject. 5 a a set of successive issues of a periodical, of articles on one subject or by one writer, etc., esp. when numbered separately from a preceding or following set (second series). b a set of independent books in a common format or under a common title or supervised by a common general editor. 6 Philately a set of stamps, coins, etc., of different denominations but issued at one time, in one reign, etc. 7 Geol. a a set of strata with a common characteristic. b the rocks deposited during a specific epoch. 8 Mus. an arrangement of the twelve notes of the chromatic scale as a basis for serial music. 9 Electr. a a set of circuits or components arranged so that the current passes through each successively. b a set of batteries etc. having the positive electrode of each connected with the negative electrode of the next. 10 Chem. a set of elements with common properties or of compounds related in composition or structure. 11 Math. a set of quantities constituting a progression or having the several values determined by a common relation. Phrases and idioms arithmetical (or geometrical) series a series in arithmetical (or geometrical) progression. in series 1 in ordered succession. 2 Electr. (of a set of circuits or components) arranged so that the current passes through each successively. Etymology: L, = row, chain f. serere join, connect ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) серия; ряд; группа 2) матем. ряд 3) свита (пластов) 4) эл. последовательное соединение 5) модификация (легкового автомобиля) в пределах одного семейства series with gaps — лакунарный ряд - series of type - acetylene series - aliphatic series - alkali series - alkaline-earth series - alkali-earth series - alkane series - alkene series - alkyne series - alternate series - arithmetic series - aromatic series - asymptotic series - bed series - benzene series - Borel-summable series - Cesaro-summable series - coal series - coal-bearing series - convergent series - decay series - Dirichlet's series - Dirichlet series - displacement series - divergent series - electrochemical electromotive series - electrochemical series - electrothermic series - eluotropic series - F-series - fatty series - Fourier series - galvanic series - geometric series - groundwater series - harmonic series - homologous series - hydrologic series - infinite series - interpolation series - isologous series - lacunary series - lacunar series - Laurent's series - Laurent series - major documentary series - major drama series - mixotropic series - naphthene series - number series - observational series - olefinic series - olefin series - operating series - optical series - power-law series - power series - quick reduction series - radioactive series - residual series - spectral series - strata series - streamflow series - summable series - Taylor's series - Taylor series - television series - thermoelectric series - time series - trigonometric series - vinylogous series - Volta series ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  серия, ряд flood series hydrologic series infinite series ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) серия; ряд; группа 2) модификация – harmonic series – spectral series – television series – V-series – X-series ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) последовательность 2) ряд 3) серийный 4) серия 5) стоповой 6) строка 7) строчка 8) цикл absolutely convergence series — абсолютно (условно) сходящийся ряд absolutely convergent series — абсолютно сходящийся ряд absolutely divergent series — абсолютно расходящийся ряд absolutely summable series — абсолютно суммируемый ряд almost convergent series — почти сходящийся ряд almost everywhere summable series — почти всюду суммируемый ряд almost periodic series — почти периодический ряд almost stationary series — почти стационарный ряд almost uniformly convergent series — почти равномерно сходящийся ряд analytically continuable series — аналитически продолжаемый ряд approximately uniformly convergent series — приближенно равномерно сходящийся ряд ascending power series — степенной ряд по возрастающим степеням asymptotic power series expansion — разложение в асимптотический степенной ряд asymptotically stationary series — асимптотически стационарный ряд basis of natural series — базис натурального ряда boundedly convergent series — ограниченно сходящийся ряд calculation in series form — вычисление с помощью ряда Cauchy product of two series — свертка рядов commutatively convergent series — безусловно сходящийся ряд completely characteristic series — вполне характеристический ряд completely convergent series — вполне сходящийся ряд completely invariant series — вполне инвариантный ряд conditionally convergent series...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) ряд 2) серия 3) выпуск 4) комплект • - by series - demand series - economic time series - graduated series - historical series - multivariate time series - nonseasonal time series - nonstationary time series - seasonal time series - series of bonds - series of events - series of options - series of prices - stationary time series - stochastically lagged time series - time series - trend-free time series - truncated series - unvariate time series - variational series SERIES 1) серия; комплект 2) ряд; группа; система – design patent seriess ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  серия; ряд – series of function – ecological-edaphic series – Fourier series – geometric series – harmonic series – homologous series – random series – trial series – trophic series – weighted series of growth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  многосерийная телепередача Телепрограмма любого жанра - фильм, информационная, спортивная, музыкальная и т. д., - выходящая в одно и то же время time slot в течение как минимум четырех недель подряд ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. ряд (также мат.) a series of years —- ряд лет a series of brilliant statesmen —- плеяда блестящих государственных деятелей infinite series —- бесконечный ряд binomial series —- мат. биномиальный ряд in series —- по порядку; последовательно time series —- временной ряд (в статистике) 2. серия, выпуск; комплект; группа in a series of 40 lessons —- выпусками по 40 уроков the men of letters series —- серия "великие писатели" to complete a series —- закончить серию 3. геол. свита; отдел, система 4. кин. тлв. многосерийный фильм, в котором каждая серия составляет законченный эпизод 5. эл. последовательный series connection —- последовательное соединение series winding —- последовательная (сериесная) обмотка сети ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) ряд; серия; a series of stamps (coins) - серия марок (монет); a series of misfortunes - полоса неудач; in series - последовательно, по порядку  2) geol. свита, отдел; группа, система  3) electr. последовательное соединение Syn: see sequence ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (series) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A series of things or events is a number of them that come one after the other. ...a series of meetings with students and political leaders. ...a series of explosions. = succession N-COUNT: usu sing: oft N of n 2. A radio or television series is a set of programmes of a particular kind which have the same title. ...the TV series ‘The Trials of Life’ presented by David Attenborough. N-COUNT: usu sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural series 1 several events or actions of the same kind that happen one after the other but that are not connected + of  (There's been a whole series of accidents on this stretch of road recently) 2 a group of events that are connected and have a particular result  (a strange series of events that led to his death) 3 a set of television or radio programmes in which each one tells the next part of a story or deals with the same kind of subject  (a new comedy series) 4 a group of events or actions of the same kind that are planned to happen one after another in order to achieve something  (It'll have to undergo a series of tests. | a series of lectures on the subject of biotechnology) 5 in series technical being connected so that electricity passes though the parts of something electrical in the correct order ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1611, from L. series "row, chain, series," from serere "to join, link, bind together, put." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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